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The Jane Austen Wiki

Charlotte Palmer (nee Jennings) is daughter of Mrs. Jennings and her late husband Mr. Jennings, the sister of Lady Middleton, and the wife of Thomas Palmer. She is the mistress of Cleveland.


Charlotte was born to a wealthy tradesman and his wife, who sent her to great school for seven years. She was visiting Weymouth with an uncle when her mother met John Willoughby at Barton Park after her elder daughter's marriage to Sir John Middleton, and therefore, though they both now live in Somersetshire, she has never spoken to him before and has only seen him in passing in London.[1]

Sir John and Lady Middleton wished for Charlotte to marry Colonel Brandon, though she was still at school and had not met him above twice, but Mrs. Jennings did not think the match was good enough for her and the Middletons never broached the idea to Brandon.[1] Charlotte and Mrs. Jennings later visited Brandon's estate Delaford.[2]

Charlotte married Thomas Palmer and became the mistress of Cleveland. Her recent marriage is one of the reasons Mrs. Jennings decides to invite Elinor and Marianne Dashwood to stay in London with her because before this past winter she always used to have Charlotte with her.[3] Charlotte encourages the Dashwood sisters to come to London after her husband takes her on surprise visit to Barton Park, but they cannot stay at Barton long because they must return to Cleveland to host the Westons.[1]

She gives birth to a son and heir while in London. When her son breaks out in pimples, Mrs. Jennings insists it is only the red gum, but Charlotte sends for Mr. Donavan, who reassures her that it is only the red gum. He tells them that he came from Harley Street where Fanny Dashwood had fallen into violent hysterics after learning about her brother Edward's secret engagement to Charlotte's cousin Lucy Steele.[4]

Charlotte is outraged that Willoughby abandoned Marianne for the wealthy Sophia Grey, and she gathers all the information she can on the upcoming marriage to tell Elinor.[5]

Mrs. Jennings, the Dashwood sisters, and Colonel Brandon accompany Charlotte and Mr. Palmer to Cleveland, where Marianne falls ill. Charlotte becomes alarmed that her son could catch the disease, and she leaves to stay with a near relation of her husband's on the other side of Bath. She begs Mr. Palmer and Mrs. Jennings to join her in a day or two, and though Mr. Palmer is persuaded to join her by Colonel Brandon, Mrs. Jennings resolves to stay with Marianne and Elinor until Marianne has recovered.[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 20
  2. Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 30
  3. Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 25
  4. Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 37
  5. Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 31
  6. Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 43